The C Word

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  • By Fe(lix) Wild
The C Word

COVID: Nothing is the same. The numbers are currently rising at a record pace as I type this. Even worse than when we first got the news. Read what we've been up to in order to help keep you and us safe during The Pandemic.

Nothing is the same. The numbers are currently rising at a record pace as I type this. Even worse than when we first got the news.

Currently, we are still open and operating and here are the protocols we are following to keep you and our staff safe:

Our front doors are locked; enabling us to control traffic and ensure mask compliance.

All staff and clients are required to wear masks during their entire visit/shift. 

Streamlined check-in allows clients to fill paperwork in their car before entering studio. 

We are limiting to one client per service. Exceptions are made for those in need of assistance. (Please call before if you need assistance.)

Hand sanitizing is required when clients enter studio.

Temperatures are taken with touchless thermometer for both client and practitioner so both can show they do not have a fever before procedure.

Hand washing is done before and after procedure.

All surfaces are wiped down with medical-grade hard surface disinfectants between each client. 

Plexiglass barriers around our entire counter and cash wrap in the lobby.

We have placed socially distant markers on the floor at appropriate spaces which are clearly marked.   

Touchless pay is provided.

We have suspended under the mask services. (We really want to. But we cannot. Not yet. Some day. Just not today. We’ll tell you when. We promise!)     

We monitor all staff members' health and safety regularly.

Jewelry is shoppable online at Gift Cards can be purchased at

We have added chat to both and to help assist visitors remotely.

We offer safe, quick curbside pick-up on online orders and gift cards.

We endeavor to proactively communicate our protocols and updates

This is not an exhaustive list but we are exhausted! All of us suffer from pandemic fatigue.

What keeps us going, honestly, is that we believe in what we’re doing. We love showing up for clients, providing all of you with positive experiences that go beyond surface niceties. We want you to feel as comfortable and as safe as you do in your own homes.

That means we will put in the hours, keep up best practices, and sometimes suggest we wait until certain services become available with health and safety in mind.

Here’s the thing. We care about our clients. We care about our staff. We want all of us to come together, with some space of course, and overcome. It starts with each of us, caring for our community, our families, and each other.  

We are telling you, as your Alternative Bad Ass Mom, check our website: for updates and wear your mask. 


Shhhh shhhh shhhh. Do it.


Love Always, 
